Scale Expertise

Plateforme d'IA pour les services professionnels, ancrée sur votre Connaissance d'entreprise. Déployer le future du travail à tous vos employés.

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Products and Services

Entropia is designed for professional services, deeply integrated with your organization's knowledge and expertise. It enhances productivity, decision-making, and collaboration by leveraging AI to provide contextual insights, automate routine tasks, and optimize workflows.

Microsoft PartnerScaleway GraduatedMotier VenturesKima VenturesBanque Publique d'Investissement

Solve knowledge management

Connect millions of files in any format and language. Let our AI agent answer questions with citations after retrieving, reading, and analyzing.

Deliver expertise, stop crunching

Create AI-augmented workspaces, upload unlimited files, and let our AI analyze or execute workflows autonomously.

Deploy within 1 week

Empower your teams with a secure, cutting-edge solution that boosts productivity while safeguarding customer data.

Platform overview

Empower your workforce with an AI platform that seamlessly integrates with your organization's knowledge.

Answer Engine

An AI-powered answer engine that instantly analyzes files, searches across all sources, and delivers reasoned responses.


Automate workflows and extract key insights from your data, turning knowledge into action instantly.


Seamlessly collaborate in shared workspaces, where AI connects teams with the right knowledge, instantly.


Seamlessly integrates with your existing tools—SharePoint, OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, and more—to unify and unlock your knowledge.


Take control of search and analysis with models that always cites its sources—you’re in control.

See for yourself

Try Entropia now and experience the power of instant access to knowledge and file analysis.

Use cases

AI Platform for Professional Services, grounded in your Knowledge. Roll out the future of work to all of your employees. (small text below)


Empower your consultants with AI-Powered knowledge retrieval and automation, reducing research time and maximizing expertise delivery.

Instant Access to Insights

Retrieve and synthesize information from millions of files across diverse knowledge bases, providing consultants with precise, citation-backed answers in any language.

Deliver expertise, stop crunching

Spend less time on tedious tasks and more on delivering expertise.

Deploy within 1 week

Go live in just one week with a seamless, secure AI deployment.

“Nous avions besoin d'une solution pour analyser nos documents tout en gardant un contrôle total à chaque étape. Entropia nous fournit un outil fiable qui permet de traiter des documents juridiques complexes, nous libérant ainsi un temps et des ressources précieux.”

Associée fondatrice

Cabinet d'avocats

“Grâce à Entropia, nous avons pu naviguer dans notre base de documents d'une manière jamais vue auparavant.”

Directrice Financière

Groupe de distribution spécialisée

“En tant que partenaire de design, nous avons participé à la conception de la solution. Les équipes d'Entropia sont des experts incroyablement talentueux pour adresser nos enjeux d'intelligence collective.”

Directeur Général

Cabinet de conseil en fiscalité

“Nous avons été émerveillés par la capacité d'Entropia à nous accompagner sur la structuration de nos données déstructurées.”

Directeur Technique

Services de Ressources Humaines

Get a demo

AI Platform for Professional Services, grounded in your Knowledge. Roll out the future of work to all of your employees.

Get a demo